Contact mechanics and coupled problems in surface phenomena

30 March — 2 April 2015, IMT Institute for Advanced Studies, Lucca, Italy

Final report

Dates and location

30 March — 2 April 2015, IMT Institute for Advanced Studies, Lucca, Italy



Conference fees

  • Early registration fee: 350.00 €
  • Late registration fee: 400.00 €
  • Accompanying person: 75.00 €
  • PhD Student early registration fee: 300.00 €
  • PhD Student late registration fee: 350.00 €
  • Late registration accompanying person: 75.00 €

What other funding was obtained?

What were the participants offered?

Applicants (members)

  1. Andrei Abramian
  2. Davide Bigoni
  3. Marius Cocou
  4. Gianpietro Del Piero
  5. Irina Goryacheva
  6. Qi-Chang HE
  7. Daniel Nélias
  8. Michel RAOUS
  9. Alessandro Rigazzi
  10. Luis Rodriguez-Tembleque
  11. Michele Scaraggi
  12. Elena Torskaya

Applicants (non members)

  1. liboko bin gele alfred
  2. Kwassi Amuzuga
  3. Guillaume Anciaux
  4. Ivan Argatov
  5. Irene Berardone
  6. Enrico Bertocchi
  7. Feodor Borodich
  8. Claudia Borri
  9. Thibaut Chaise
  10. Marius Cocou
  11. Radi Enrico
  12. Philipp Farah
  13. Matteo Giacopini
  14. Panagiotis Gourgiotis
  15. Jaroslav Haslinger
  16. Karim Houanoh
  17. Alexander Konyukhov
  18. Seunghwan Lee
  19. YunPeng Liu
  20. Sara Mantovani
  21. Valentina Mazza
  22. Nicola Menga
  23. Diego Misseroni
  24. Carlos Navarro Pintado
  25. Erik Olsson
  26. Marco Paggi
  27. Antonio Papangelo
  28. Mikhail Petrzhik
  29. Ekaterina Petrzhik
  30. Valentin L. Popov
  31. Carmine Putignano
  32. Vaclav Satek
  33. Elena Shelepova
  34. Antonio Strozzi
  35. Jesús Vázquez Valeo
  36. Andy Wirtz
  37. Vladislav Yastrebov
  38. Honoré Yin

Scientific report

Number of participants from each country

Country Participants
China 1
Total 50